Monday, February 18, 2013

Take What You Need

What is it that you are looking for in your life to help you live the best you can with multiple sclerosis (ms)? Above are many different options that many people (even those not living with ms) look for in life. They are all positive traits, some that we can strive for, some we can get with determination and some, we can obtain with the assistance of others. 
My initial hope (I just noticed is the second one on the list above) was that this blog would provide information, experience, and encouragement to help those living with ms deal with life constructively, to live well and fully. This blog finally came to fruition at the end of last year, 2012. However, not long after it's inception, I became ill and required intensive treatments that were physically draining. I was unable to do much of anything, even turn on my computer, for three long months. For those who have read my blog from the very start and tried to stay with me, I have to say "thank you" AND "I'm sorry"! for not being able to keep up as I had intended. Although I'm not yet fully recovered, the good thing is that I am feeling a little better and am ready to get back to what I started - to work on a place for people with ms to come for encouragement. Through this blog, if I can help just one person living with ms, then it makes this endeavor worth continuing (I remember what it was like when I was newly diagnosed just over 10 years ago). As long as I am able, I will continue to write about ms with the goal of encouraging those who need it, as we all do at times.
If you find any of the above traits in this blog and they can help you live life better than please, take what you need!

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